The Argyll Fencers’ Co-operative provides clients with a complete fencing service. We work to save you money and worry from conception to the final post in the ground, gate hung or tree planted.
We can help you with:

- Fence quantification
- Environmental assessment
- GIS mapping
- Materials quotes
- Fenceline clearance
- Fence removal and disposal
- Helicopter layout
- Ground machine layout
- Fence building
- Dry stone dyking
- Fence assessment
- Fence maintenance
- Tree surgery
- Ground preparation
- Tree planting
- Specialists in environmentally sensitive sites
The Argyll Fencers’ Co-operative is an innovative new way of giving clients access to local and highly skilled contractors and workers. The co-operative model brings together a number of top quality fencing teams and associated contractors to provide clients with the benefits of employing a large company without the drawbacks.
By employing the Argyll Fencers’ Co-operative clients can avoid paying for contract management or an extra layer of sub-contractors. Our clients know there won’t be unscheduled delays because we can bring in extra fencers as required.
Clients also have the security of knowing they are directly employing the people who do the work and take the greatest pride in making a good job. Contact Argyll Fencers Co-operative today to find out what we can do for you.
The Argyll Fencers’ Co-operative ensures that all its members are fully insured and have formal qualifications in their skills areas and in first aid. We have a comprehensive and annually reviewed set of company policies including a Health and Safety Policy, a Drugs and Alcohol Policy, a Sustainability Policy and an Environmental Policy.
Our risk assessments and safety policies have already met the most rigorous criteria. Our work has been audited on many occasions and we have an unblemished safety record.
Most importantly the Argyll Fencers’ Co-operative never uses sub-contractors. Our clients know that the people with whom they shook hands are the people who do the work. Contact us below to find out more about our innovative way of working.

The Argyll Fencers’ Co-operative formed in 2011 by Argyll fencers and has completed hundreds of kilometres of fencing since then. We have more than tripled in size and are one of the largest dedicated fencing companies in the UK. Membership is by invitation and members insist on the highest standards of workmanship. Our clients include the Forestry Commission, forest management companies, land agencies and private landowners.
The Co-operative is committed to training and mentoring new entrants to fencing and to improving standards year on year. We aim to provide the best fencing service and one perfectly fitted to meet the needs of our clients and overcome the challenges posed by extreme West Coast conditions.

The Argyll Fencers’ Co-operative aims to have a positive impact on the environment both by sourcing and using the right quality of materials thus minimising wastage and by using environmentally friendly working practices to create top quality, long lasting fences.
The Co-operative has the principle of sustainability at its heart and provides clients with both great fencing at great prices and the chance to invest directly in the local farming and forestry based local economy.
The Co-operative is a not for profit, social enterprise which aims to protect and build on the local skill base. The co-operative provides benefits for local people, the local environment and most importantly, for our clients. Contact us to find out more.
Get in Touch
Simon Brown